A year ago - June 1, 2010 - an endeavor was initiated by my brother John. It has continued on the first day of each month throughout this past year, as people all over the world have been saying a few simple words at noon wherever they are:
Love and Peace to the Whole World.
Now we begin another year - June 1, 2011
If you are part of this endeavor already - Thank you. I am delighted by the emails and messages that I receive reminding me that another month is ready to begin with "love and peace" going out to the whole world from the hearts of many. John and others, especially his friend in Mexico, Jeffrey Peters, continue to make connections and spread the news. The bumper sticks are now also available in Spanish. They are working on getting these words put on billboards around the country: Love and Peace to the Whole World. Think It and Make It Happen.
If this is your first time hearing about this endeavor check the entries below for its start and the ongoing story.
We know well that every journey begins with the first small step. How good to be involved in this journey with you.